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Signs of Stress & How I Deal With Very Bad Terrible Days #blissedin

It was just one of those days – the kind of day that I hate talking about to all of you because I always want to offer a positive outlook, especially for those of you who are facing your own struggles with family, weight loss, relationships, whatever…

everyday Bex – in the sun, smiling, loving life. (NOT taken yesterday)

It was the kind of day when you feel like you’ve woken up on the wrong side of the bed. (Actually, I woke up hanging off the side of the bed with a toddler’s foot in my face. Sometimes attachment parenting is less than fulfilling.)

I didn’t get enough sleep, I started working too early, and I immediately started going through my task list before I even had enough time to wake up and gather my thoughts. It seems that when I’m especially anxious, I seek out things that cause me even MORE anxiety. Like, why on EARTH would I open up the bill drawer at 5AM? Dumb move, Bex.

Long-story-short, yesterday was all about being completely OVERWHELMED. The truth: everything I’m overwhelmed about is completely awesome. In just a few hours, I’m jumping on ANOTHER plane to ANOTHER city (this time, Chicago) to do ANOTHER event for Lady Foot Locker. Holla!! Right? My kids need rides to ice hockey, field hockey, birthday parties… all fun things that only remind me of how healthy, active and social they are. Work stress – about the job I’ve always wanted that brings me so much joy and satisfaction every day. Then there are the bills – for my brand new house on my dream property. Holy FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS!

what problems?? life is beautiful.

So if everything is so great, why am I so run down and SAD? I have to look at what I’m doing (and not doing) and what my body is telling me in order to figure this out. And then I have to deal with it… because I’m getting on that plane to Chicago, and I’m going to have a blast!

What I’ve been doing differently:
– I’m not sleeping enough. I’m on the computer way too late, I’m sleeping with my iPhone under my pillow, and I’m back at it again before the rooster has even started crowing (and that jerk wakes up EARLY). That is pathetic. I need a better and KINDER schedule.
– My diet is JACKED! With all this traveling and shooting TV shows and running kids around, I’m not even following my own rules anymore. I ate Doritos at my dad’s house the other day. DORITOS!!!
– I’m ignoring all the tell-tale signs that I’m not taking care of myself properly. What are they? Read on.

How I know it’s time for a change:
– My skin is TERRIBLE! Acne, dark circles, dry patches, oily patches… that is my face right now. The acne fairy only visits when my diet or stress level is out of whack, and she has shown up, brought an overnight bag and settled in.
– I’m ALWAYS HUNGRY! When this happens, it’s either because I’m over-tired and looking for sugar to keep me awake or that I’m bored/stressed/anxious and looking for something to distract me. Either way, it’s no good.
– The stink-face. Stink-face at the kids, stink-face at the husband, at the guy in the left lane, at my laptop, at the poor guy who volunteered to raise money for the Democratic Party and who also had the misfortune of having to dial my number. Taking out my bad mood on everyone around me is another reliable sign that I’m stressed out.
– I cried! I’m not a crier. I’m not a tough-guy. I just don’t cry. Not only did I cry in the middle of the afternoon FOR NO APPARENT REASON, but I cry-texted Bianca about how I need to quit BEXLIFE. Gah! I know.
– Here’s the big one. Brace yourselves, because it’s about to get real up in here. I haven’t been POOPING! I’m kind of a show-off when it comes to how awesome and efficient my body rocks digestion. After treating it badly with weird eating habits, lack of proper regular exercise, inconsistent sleep patterns and excessive work habits, my colon has given me the finger and gone on vacation. Which brings me to this week’s total TMI Friday video…

it’s all fun & games until you stop pooping

So how did I turn my frown upside down?
– I posted on Facebook. Yes, really. I reached out to all of you to just talk about it. There’s no use keeping my bad days a secret. It’s not real. It’s not truthful. It doesn’t give you the whole picture. I have to be about WHOLE HEALTH, and bad days are part of that WHOLE. And guess what… you are all so AMAZING and supportive!

– I took a nap and let it happen. I didn’t fight the fact that I was sad or tired. I turned down the lights, cuddled Baby Summer and allowed myself some time just to be quiet.
– After I gathered up some energy, I called on a friend to get some insight and clarity. Bianca hooked me up with some compliments, then gave me some real-deal reality-check advice.

Have all my stressful circumstances been eliminated? Nope. Am I ready to take them on with a slightly new perspective as my weapon? Yup. I’m also going to do some yoga and spend the weekend doing what I LOVE in Chicago… connecting with people about health & fitness and working out a crowd. Perfect.

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