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Haters vs. Celebrators

Oh my gosh, wow! The response to my “Haters Be Hatin'” video has been pretty overwhelming and incredible. I try to tell you guys how much I love you in every video, but today I can’t say it enough! You. Are. Awesome! I made my “Haters” video in response to a video Sarah Dussault (@DietSarah on Twitter) posted about her own YouTube haters.

Your words of encouragement and support always mean so much to me, and I’m truly inspired by you sharing your personal stories of triumph over haters.

Look at just some of this love posted in the video’s comments section:

And this is one of my favorite comments so far – “I really dislike the current viewpoint that “real women” = curvier women. Umm what? Yes, they are real but what about all of the naturally thin, lean women? They are no longer real? I am naturally skinny so do I have to gain weight in order to be considered a woman? Fixing a stigma doesn’t mean create a new one which is what these ideas are doing. The whole idea of being real should be to embrace the vast differences in women, not to just chose a new “correct look”. – RAPfrosty

Check out my video below, followed by Sarah’s. Keep the discussion going… Why do haters hate? How can we turn it around into something positive? How can we learn to love our haters?

The beautiful (inside and out), Sarah Dussault: