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Let’s Be Friends Friday: Belly Aches, Positivity & Tattoos Galore

Pardon my pathetic mood in this week’s Friday blog. I’m just soooo sick and could barely drag myself up the stairs to my messy bedroom to get the video shot. Despite being completely ill from a stomach bug that seems to be hitting everyone I know (comment with your natural home remedies!!), there were actually a couple really exciting things that happened this week. I already showed you the tour of the property we’re in contract to buy (scroll down to my last blog to see the video). We’re crossing all our fingers and toes that everything goes well… send us good vibes!

And in keeping with the spirit of positivity, my bracelets from A Complaint Free World came in the mail! I’m using the bracelets to start a brand new family challenge. I thought the kids complained a lot, but after listening to myself for a few days, I noticed that I do my share of whining as well. Good health starts with a good attitude, so this is the perfect project for my family and my blog. I’m sharing two bracelets with my followers, so remember to comment below with the phrase “Help Me Be More Positive”.

I’m also sharing pics of my tattoos and their meanings (by popular viewer request) and asking that you show support for my YouTube channel by commenting on the YouTube Next Trainer contest video with Sarah Dussault. YouTube is selecting 16 creators who have fitness-themed channels for a special program that will run over 12 weeks. The prize package and exposure would be HUGE for me, so I really hope this works out (insert more good vibes here).

I’m just about running on empty, so I’m going to check out and take another nap… enjoy the video! xoxo

Just in case you forgot the rules…
– Comment below with the phrase “Help Me Be More Positive”
– Contest ends Thursday, November 3, 2011 at 11:59PM EST
– Winner will be chosen randomly and will be announced on the following Friday
– Open to viewers with addresses in the US or Canada only

PS – Like my T-shirt? It’s a BexLife.com exclusive! Get yours here.

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