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Work It Out Wednesday: Thinner Thighs For Thanksgiving

Ok, so I can’t really promise you that you’ll have slimmer, stronger thighs in 24 hours (I’m just a junkie for holiday-themed video titles this season), but I can promise that you’ll have them in time to ring in the New Year in an inappropriately short mini if you stick with this workout.

For maximum benefit, run through this whole routine 3x allowing yourself one minute of rest in between each full round. Be careful not to take more than a 20-30 second break in between each exercise.

If you’re barely working up a sweat, add dumbbells into the mix to add resistance. If it’s too difficult, reduce the number of reps. But don’t go too easy on yourself – those pumpkin pie calories can add up fast. Believe me, I’m eating a piece right now…

Watch the full BexLifeTV playlist on YouTube

On my body: Dirty Sweaty Sexy tank in Green
The Compression Knee Pant by Spanx Active

PS – I’m so very thankful for all the love and support I get from you all. Your comments and feedback mean the world to me and help me to do a better job every day. Thank you for sharing my videos and blogs with your friends and taking the time to tell me what you think. Have an amazing holiday, and remember to love yourself with good healthy choices! xoxo

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