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New Series: Watch My Butt Get Kicked!

Ok people, I can’t tell a lie. Since I had this baby, I got LAZY! Alright, that’s a lie. I didn’t get lazy – I’ve been working like a maniac on getting my yoga alliance cert, blogging, making videos, taking care of my family – but I have made my personal fitness a very low priority, and that ends TODAY!

I got a trainer to help me out (because even I need motivation, too), and I’m making a video of all our sessions so you can get in shape with me. He’s a super chill guy from my area (check Daryl out at PPRJGetStrong.com to hire him yourself!), and he’s going to kick my butt all the way back to 2009 (man, my arms looked good then… ha!).

While making this video, I could NOT believe how out of shape I am… what the eff!? I need to work on my cardio HARDCORE. But this is good. It’s important for me to keep myself in check, and I’m so excited to take you all along for the ride.

I’m demonstrating one round on video, but you need to run through this 3-4 times for your full workout. Do it with me and let me know how it went!

Watch the full BexLifeTV playlist on YouTube

I’m also trying out a new supplement from VegaSport.com (@vegateam on Twitter), the first complete, all-natural, plant-based sport performance system, specifically developed in three comprehensive stages to help you perform at your best, without compromise—before, during and after training.

It was formulated by Brendan Brazier, professional Ironman triathlete and bestselling author of The Thrive Diet and Thrive Fitness. How’s THAT for inspiration?!

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