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Let’s Be Friends Friday: Working Out Doesn’t Suck – Week 3

I’ve said “working out sucks” about seventeen thousand times over the past month. I just can’t say it anymore, because it’s not true. Working out doesn’t suck… overall. It sucks to wake up early and get to the gym. It sucks to have to squeeze in a shower while the baby is crying. It sucks to be sore. It sucks to be tired. But working out makes me healthier, sexier, more vibrant and more energetic. It makes me a better mom, a better wife and a better friend. Working out saved me from depression and gave me a renewed sense of self-worth. Working out connects me to all of you and helped me to build a brand new career.

Thank you to Chuck Runyon for writing Working Out Sucks and to Anytime Fitness for being such amazing hosts during my 21-Day Challenge. I look forward to my workouts NOT sucking there as I continue to hit the weights and get back into fighting shape after baby.

Watch the full BexLifeTV playlist on YouTube

On my body: “Homophobia Is Queer” T-shirt
BUY THE BOOK: Working Out Sucks by Chuck Runyon

This post is dedicated to the most brave and talented young men on the planet – my sons, Calvin & Jack. Happy 12th Birthday, Calvin!!

Watch Calvin & Jack in action as SnakeBite.

FitFluential LLC compensated me for this sponsored post.
All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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