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Yummy Monday: Squiggly Wiggly Green Giveaway!

If my backyard chickens are the official mascots of BexLife.com, then my worms are the pep squad. The chickens, the worms, us – we all take part in making our little garden grow. The chickens and worms recycle our kitchen scraps and garbage, then turn it into super-cheap organic eggs and fertilizer for us to use. I’d say that’s a pretty sweet deal.

Every time I glance over at my worms’ little green box in the corner of my kitchen, I have to smile. I got the Worm Factory 360 as a birthday gift from my mom last summer, and I couldn’t have imagined how much fun it would be or how much I would grow to love watching my little guys grow. Wait… are they guys? Girls? I have to google that one…

So recently I’ve been having a little trouble with my pets performing as they should. It seems that I may have done something to offend them and they’ve decided to go on a little worm strike. I appealed to the folks at NaturesFootprint.com, the manufacturers of the Worm Factory, and they offered me some good advice (they knew exactly which newbie fail I had made).

There’s also good news for you: I asked them if they’d like to give a Bex Life follower their own Worm Factory, and they were totally down! So many of you have been talking about wanting to start your own worm farm, so I’m extremely amped to be able to hook you up… well, one of you anyway :D.

And this is what I need from my peeps: My fitness journey actually started with exploring a cleaner diet 12 years ago, and my first YouTube videos were about my chickens. Without my garden there would be no BexLife.com. It has given me SO MUCH! For your giveaway entry, I want you to comment about your greatest gardening joys. If you’re a vegetable gardener, I want to hear what’s most rewarding about growing your own food. If you don’t garden, tell me why you want to start. What inspired you to garden? Just give me the good stuff!

See my unruly little compost soldiers in this week’s Yummy Monday video – probably my last for a little while (hinting to Mike Perrine to make more recipe videos with me) – and check out my outrageous new do for my Pinup Girl Clothing workout video. Also remember to scroll down for the official rules and bonus entry info. Happy farming! xo

Watch the full BexLifeTV playlist on YouTube

– Comment on this blog your favorite thing about gardening (or why you want to have your own garden) (required)
– extra entry method: Tweet this exact message “I want to go green with the Worm Factory 360! @GirlRucki & @WormFactory – http://bit.ly/BexyWorms”
– Giveaway ends Sunday, January 22, 2012 at 11:59PM EST
– Winners will be chosen at random using Random.org
– Sorry international peeps, giveaway is open to viewers with addresses in the US only

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