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Operation Yummy Bum: Protein for Vegetarians

I am a DISASTER in the kitchen. In our house, Mr. Borucki does 90% of the shopping and almost all the food-prep that requires an actual recipe or heat. I’m good at other things, like obsessive vacuuming and keeping our daily dirty laundry pile from swallowing us whole. It’s a very harmonious arrangement.

Because of my nightmarish kitchen skills, I have to keep my recipes super easy and mostly raw. You thought it was because I was trying to be healthier, didn’t you? I kid, I kid… it just happens to be a lucky coincidence that the healthiest way to eat is also the simplest (thank goodness).

So here I am, at the beginning of my mission-to-build-a-sexier-Bexy-butt, and I’ve discovered that I’m just not getting enough protein in my regular diet to build the kind of swoon-worthy muscle I desire. It’s time to put “Operation Yummy Bum” into action.

Watch the full BexLifeTV playlist on YouTube

On my head: Sparkly Soul thin headband in Silver
On my body: Bia Sport running tee

Lucky for my veggie friends, protein is abundant in many food sources other than meat. No sweat if you’re a vegan either. Below you’ll find some amazing and tasty non-meat sources of protein that are easily incorporated into any meal.

Vegan: Almond Butter
When adding a handful of nuts to your salad for protein, go with almonds. Almond butter is less toxic and allergenic than peanut butter, although the protein amounts are similar by comparison (between 6 and 8 grams, usually). (source: MarksDailyApple.com)

Chia Seeds
Chia seeds are one of the most powerful, functional, and nutritious superfoods in the world! The chia seed is an excellent source of fiber, packed with antioxidants, full of protein, loaded with vitamins and minerals, and the richest known plant source of omega-3. […] Adding just 2 tablespoons of chia seeds to your daily diet will give you approximately 7 grams of fiber, 4 grams of protein, 205 milligrams of calcium, and a whopping 5 grams of omega-3! Chia seeds have: more omega-3 than Atlantic salmon, more antioxidants than fresh blueberries, more fiber than bran flakes, more calcium than 2% milk, more protein, fiber & calcium than flax seed(source: TheChiaSeed.com)

Vegetarian: Eggs
One egg provides 6 grams of protein. Eggs provide the highest quality protein found in any food because they provide all of the essential amino acids our bodies need in a near-perfect pattern. While many people think the egg white has all the protein, the yolk actually provides nearly half of it. The high-quality protein in eggs helps you to feel full longer and stay energized, which contributes to maintaining a healthy weight. (source: IncredibleEgg.org) Because I raise my own chickens, I happen to be obsessed with egg nutrition facts. Click here for some interesting info from RealFoodUniversity.com.

scrambled eggs, tortilla chips & salsa

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Vegetarian: Greek Yogurt
Greek yogurt can have twice as much protein as regular yogurt. The extra protein will help you feel full and leave you feeling satisfied. Commercial Greek yogurts at supermarkets have almost double the protein content of standard yogurt brands. One cup of plain, low-fat conventional yogurt usually contains 5 to 10 grams of protein, where Greek yogurt averages about 13 to 20 grams of protein. (source: Livestrong.com)

my favorite Greek yogurt

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Vegan: Hemp Seed Butter
Hippie Hemp Seed Butter contains 2 grams of Sea-Free Omega-3 fatty acids and 6.2 grams of Sea-Free Omega-6 fatty acids per 2 tablespoon. This delicate, nutty-favored butter can be used in a wide range of recipes such as sauces, dips, spreads, marinades, on fruit & vegetable, crackers, smoothies and salad dressings. (source: HippieButter.com)

almond butter & hemp seed butter with fruit

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Vegan: Tofu
One half-cup serving of raw firm tofu contains 10.1 grams of protein. A half-cup of tofu is approximately 4 oz by weight, or just under 1/3 of the average sized 14 oz package of tofu. By comparison, 1/2 cup dairy milk contains 5.1 grams of protein, one 3 oz egg contains 6 grams and 4 oz ground beef contains about 26 grams of protein. Tofu is an excellent source of vegetarian protein. (source: vegetarian.about.com)

Vegan: Quinoa and other whole grains
Whole grains are a great source of protein, but the queen of whole grains when it comes to protein content is quinoa. Unlike many sources of vegetarian protein, quinoa contains all of the essential amino acids, making it a “complete protein”. Just one cup of cooked quinoa contains 18 grams of protein, as well as nine grams of fiber. Other whole grains, including whole grain bread, brown rice, barley are all healthy protein-rich foods for vegetarians and vegans as well. (source: vegetarian.about.com)

peppers with quinoa & brown rice

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What I’m currently obsessed with…
Vega Shake & Go Smoothie which just happens to be 20% off through March at the Vega store. It has 2 servings of veggies, 2500 mg Omega-3-6-9, 11 g complete protein, 1 billion probiotics cultures, and only totals out at 100 calories!

Remember, if you like what you’re reading here and want to see more good stuff in the future including lots of FREE workouts, click on the banner to vote for me for a Fitness Magazine Fitterati Award for Best Healthy Living Blogger. I would appreciate it SO MUCH! xo

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