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Summer’s Summer Giveaway for Babies from Citrus Lane: Let’s Be Friends Friday

I think it’s pretty obvious how much I love summertime. I’ll take sunshine and heat however it comes – humid and steamy like in the jungles of Central America, dry like the Fourth of July in Vegas. I’m probably one of the only people I know who craves Mexico in August. And when Justin and I were picking out baby names, there was only one choice that made us all warm and fuzzy inside. We introduced the world to Baby Summer on March 27, 2011.

with Winona, Calvin, Jack and Justin in Tulum, Mexico 2009

Now that summer is fast approaching (and unofficially already here), it’s time to prepare for lots of backyard fun and trips to the Jersey Shore. As much as I love summer, I HATE packing supplies for all the kids. Thank goodness we have our giant minivan, or we’d never have enough room for all 6 of us and our massive piles of STUFF.

when we go wilderness camping, we take the whole house with us

To help with the dreaded job of packing for family adventures, Baby Summer is going to share a little gift that she got from Citrus Lane with one of you. It’s a box full of goodies to make sure she has a fun SAFE time in the sun. I’m also throwing in an extra prize from the BexLife.com shop. The winner may choose either a BexLife Boy Beater Tank (ladies size S-L) or a Unisex Blissed-In Tee (men’s size M-XL). Even if you don’t have a baby of your own, this makes a great gift for any special little one (or expecting mom) in your life. Please watch the video for more details on this adorable box from Citrus Lane and follow the rules below to enter.

Watch the full BexLifeTV playlist on YouTube
Please visit Citrus Lane on the web!
Facebook: Facebook.com/CitrusLaneKids
YouTube: YouTube.com/user/CitrusLaneTV
Pinterest: Pinterest.com/citruslane

WIN YOUR OWN CITRUS LANE BOX! Just follow the instructions below to enter the giveaway.
– Comment on this post with your favorite thing about summer.
– For an extra entry, tweet the following message (and comment that you tweeted): “Have MORE fun in the sun with @GirlRucki and @CitrusLane! – https://www.bexlife.com/?p=4580 #baby #summer #FitFluential”
– The giveaway ends Friday, June 8 at 11:59PM EST. The winner will be chosen at random using Random.org and will be announced the following Monday. Sorry international peeps, giveaway is open to followers with US shipping addresses only.

In other BexLife happenings this week, I shot my last episode with Sadie Nardini on her yoga show for television, Rock Your Yoga. I thought that my LAST time there was my last time there, but they called me back for the final week of shooting. I’m so happy I got to see her one more time, and I’m thrilled I got to take my blogger pal Amanda (from HappyMotherRunner.com) with me. She’s an incredibly smart and kickass mama. Check out the video she made SKYDIVING in her new Reeboks.

the men in suits coming off the elevator were very confused

But the thing I’m probably most amped on this week is my style makeover with Bianca Jade from MizzFit.com. I’ve talked about Bianca and this video about a million times on my blog, and now it’s finally out! I want to thank JackRabbit Sports for the beautiful new clothes and Bianca for hosting this contest. I had such a blast.

click here for the full story and video on MizzFit.com

This post and giveaway was sponsored by Citrus Lane.
All opinions are Summer’s and my own. xo

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