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My Secret To Success – How To Get Enlightened FAST: Part 2 – Ridiculously Easy Things Everyone Can Do To Get All The Things They Want, Including A Fit Body

First, I’d like to ask you to please excuse my total absence on this blog for the past several days. With the exception of a few glorious moments last weekend, we are still without power, heat and water. We have a small generator keeping our laptops and phones charged, allowing us to watch some Disney DVDs, and giving us our daily dose of yummy organic coffee. My instagram has been almost entirely about our indoor camping experience. I’ve also been connecting with you all constantly on facebook and twitter thanks to my trusty iPhone.


Mr. Borucki’s questionable Clark W. Griswold generator set-up


chopping firewood has become his new favorite workout


we’re all living in the den next to the warm fireplace

Halloween in New Jersey was postponed until the following Monday, but the town rallied to make it just as awesome as it would have been on October 31. The kids had a blast, and Summer’s trick-or-treating pic even made it onto the crazy popular website, Buzzfeed.com!



Having this whole Sandy/Athena experience with my family has taught me so much more about what I really need and what I don’t need at all. The quiet has allowed me to focus inward and “figure stuff out”. I’m obviously feeling so blessed that we are all safe and that our home is intact, but there were so many other things that have become clear during these past 12 days since the power went out. (Is it weird that I think I’ll be kind of sad when it’s back on?)

bathing is a luxury

gasoline is a luxury

beauty is all around us

we should take the time to take it in more often

I also have some pretty gigantic news that I’ll be sharing with you very soon. An opportunity that my manager and I have been hard at work on for the past month or so has ended in success… this is going to blow your mind! STAY TUNED UNTIL NEXT WEEK!! This leads me to the subject of this blog. I’m still pinching myself over the big news, but it got me to wondering how I even ended up in a place where something like this can happen to someone like me.

rebekah borucki on veria living tv

that’s me blah blah blah’ing on Veria Living TV

yoga philosophy for everyone rebekah borucki bexlife

I also got caught blah blah blah’ing in a book recently

So last night, in another one of my explosions-of-crazy-inspiration aka insomnia, I woke up at 2:00AM and wrote this down in my iPhone notes:

People ask me all the time how I have achieved my level of success in business. The answer is: I tried new things. I trusted in silly ideas. I said yes to everything that sounded fun, interesting or challenging. I said no to things that were against my values. I was kind to every single person I met along the way. I gave and continue to give a lot back – to community, to charity, to causes I believe in. A little bit of everything I make from my business goes to help others. I continue to work hard and feed my passion through learning something new every day. I surround myself with successful, happy, driven people.


It turns out that it’s my same recipe for success in fitness. I try new things, even when they feel silly or out of my comfort zone. I say yes to everything fun, interesting and challenging. I say no to things that would harm my body. I’m kind to my body *almost* every step of the way. I work at staying healthy every day, even if that only means choosing good foods to eat or taking a walk around my property. I surround myself with driven people passionate about true wellness.

So now it’s your turn. I know you’ve achieved some awesome things in your life, either on a small or grand scale. What’s YOUR recipe for success?

>> CLICK HERE to share these tips with your friends on twitter!! <<

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