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Throw Out Your F*cking Scale: Work It ‘IN’ Wednesday

This is the second Wednesday in a row that I’m not posting a workout, but don’t worry! I’ll be back on schedule next week and we’ll be sweating and complaining together once again…

Last week was Independence Day and I got to show off some of my amazing fit friends and fellow FitFluential Ambassadors in their bikinis. It’s a really big deal to take off your clothes and stand in a bikini on the internet, and I’m so proud of everyone who helped out. What’s even more awesome is that even more people want to step up and do it again for another video! Maybe you can help me out with an idea for that one.

But here we are today, post bikini video (that got so much positive feedback that I was on a bliss-high for days), post Color Run with my kids (my healthy family in action… CRAZY love), and I’m feeling like crap.

with the kids after The Color Run

The girl who’s almost always smiling, always ready to offer a positive spin on any bad situation, always willing to take the lesson from the pitfall, did the one thing that ALWAYS shoves her off her path.

I f*cked up. I broke my own rule. I stepped on the scale.

So instead of posting another workout to flatten your tummy or lose your love handles, I’m doing a little inside work. I’m discovering what my own negative triggers are and figuring out how much power I’m going to let them have over my journey to health and my life. Just for today, I’m working IN…

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