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Let’s Be Friends Friday: Fitness Lonnie Slept Here!

It was almost two years ago that I saw my first Fitness Lonnie video, and I was hooked immediately. He’s a total fitness genius… a very full-of-himself-but-ultimately-well-intentioned genius. I love him, and you’ll love him, too.

Since he posted that first video on YouTube, he’s become an elite CrossFit athlete, he’s traveled the country doing press for his exploding Fitness Lonnie empire, and he’s inspired millions – no, billions – of people with his ultra-motivating (yet utterly simplistic message), “Let’s get it!”

Lonnie’s currently on an East Coast CrossFit tour on his way to meet his dream girl (CrossFitter, Camille LeBlanc-Bazinet) in Montreal, and he made a special stop in South Jersey to have a pajama party with me and appear in my “Let’s Be Friends Friday” video… I was so excited!!

And of course I have a small challenge for you and a little favor to ask… it wouldn’t be a LBFFriday without me begging for something from my lovely, wonderful, healthy, sexy peeps! (Was that enough love for you??)

Watch the full BexLifeTV playlist on YouTube

PS – Stay tuned for details on a super-fantastic (still trying to shake my “awesome” habit) giveaway and challenge from Bex Life and Anytime Fitness next week (@anytimefitness on Twitter)… you’re going to love it! xo

PPS – Remember… post 10 Things that make you feel happy, and I need some video response love on YouTube!!

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