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Sunday Thoughts On Yoga TT: 15

I haven’t done even a bit of yoga this week… not in class, not at home. And if you visit my site regularly, you might have noticed that I didn’t post my T.O.Y. blog last week. It was Xmas and I was spending all my time enjoying family and none of my time worrying about blogging or making YouTube videos.

I’m looking for proper balance in the midst of extremes. There’s no living in the middle for me, so sometimes I balance all my activity with no activity at all. Burning out is not Bexy, so for the last couple weeks I did as little as I could while still keeping my business and family afloat. It turned out that I still did a buttload of running around, shooting video, playing hostess, blogging, cleaning, and blah-blah-blah’ing on the internet, but it was nice to at least not have to worry about yoga studies for a while. (Yes, worrying about yoga is oxymoronic, but I do.)

I also joined a new gym, which seems counter-productive to my whole balance mission, but I’ll talk more about that during the week. (PS – I dropped some hints about my plans to a reporter from the Star Ledger, New Jersey’s largest newspaper… watch out for my 21-day Challenge with Anytime Fitness!)

Justin had a photoshoot in Miami for New Year’s Eve and the big kids were spending the night with their dad, so Summer and I rang in the New Year by ourselves, noshing on Indian food and watching scary movies. It was so perfect. I made a little video, spent some time thinking about 2011 and fantasizing about 2012, and got my New Year’s midnight kiss from my sweet little baby.

Happy New Year! I love you. Let’s kick 2012’s butt!! Namaste.