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Bexy Tips & Tricks: Nopalea Drink for Post-Workout

I know a lot of you are starting 2012 with lots of brand new workout goals, and if you’re a beginner you’ll probably suffer from a bit of pain from muscle inflammation. OMG, after my Jungle Gym Workout with Trainer Daryl, my arms were killing me for DAYS!! I hadn’t worked my upper body like that since before I was pregnant… over a year and a half! (totally un-bexy, I know)

no inflammation? – flexy bexy

stiff from muscle inflammation? – break like this tree

So you know I’m not down with pills and crazy chemical supplements, so I rely on lots of foods and natural recovery methods to heal myself after workouts. I stumbled upon a cool product called Nopalea that’s actually being offered for free (just pay $9.95 for shipping) by calling 1-800-203-7063. This anti-inflammatory wellness drink contains rare and potent antioxidants (Betalains) that are scientifically proven to help the body reduce inflammation, a leading cause of pain. That will help with all that soreness after an intense workout. Some added benefits from drinking it daily is that it can help the body cleanse itself of daily toxins… because – you know – toxins are gross. Removing toxins helps your body work more efficiently and gets you closer to achieving optimal health… sounds good to me ;)

I can’t stress how important it is to manage pain and inflammation post-workout, because feeling terrible will put a huge wrench in your big New Year’s plan to stick to your workout.

For more information, visit the makers of Nopalea, Trivita, a 12-year old company committed to helping people everywhere pursue physical, emotional and spiritual health, and create wealth for their life purposes. I wish all companies made it their mission to inspire people to live better… very bexy, indeed.

Disclaimer: PayPerPost is not affiliated with Trivita/Nopalea.