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We Bought the Farm: Yummy Monday

I can’t even believe I’m about to type what I’m about to type. We’re FINALLY going to close on this pain-in-the-ass real estate transaction. This has certainly been an epic journey, but buying our dream home is something worth fighting for (and we’ve been fighting a LOT).

I haven’t been sharing all the details (frankly, because it’s been too miserable to discuss), but I can tell you that it hasn’t been fun. The home purchase that has been six months in the making is winding down to the final event… the big move! Weeeee!!!!!

There are SO MANY plans and projects in the works, and I will be sharing them ALL with you! Along with our brand new land, there will be new workouts, new gardens, new animals, and I even have a new writing gig that I hope you’ll check out and enjoy.

Watch the full BexLifeTV playlist on YouTube

Summer (and the rest of my children who decided that it wasn’t important for me to actually TASTE the product I was reviewing) would love to thank DAHlicious for the tasty lassi drinks they sent us last week. I managed to wrestle the children for two of the drinks in order to taste them for review, and I can say that the Wild Maine Blueberry and Ecuador Banana were exceptionally tasty. (I can’t vouch for the other flavors since the kids HOUSED them.)

What is DAHlicious Lassi? From their website (DAHlicious.com): “This traditional drink, with 4,000-year history, is now made in Vermont. The secret is Indian-style yogurt. Mild tasting and seriously probiotic. Each batch takes 12-hours to grow billions of live cultures proven to: Boost Immunity, Improve Digestion, and Help Manage Cholesterol. DAHlicious Lassi is the perfect choices for breakfast, meal-on-the-go, or anytime rejuvenation. Ancients called it the ‘Food of the Gods.’ Try it and you’ll know why many are now calling it the ‘Great Taste of Good Health.'” It’s also made from happy grass-fed cows on a family-owned farm.

I’d like to keep all the coupons for free DAHlicious to myself, but I’m going to share them with you instead. Two readers will be randomly picked to receive two coupons for free bottles of DAHlicious Lassi. All you have to do is tweet the following phrase and comment below that you’ve done it: “Win yummy lassi from @GirlRucki & @dahliciouslassi – https://www.bexlife.com/?p=3559”. The giveaway closes on Friday, March 23 at 11:59PM EST.

Good luck and stay tuned for tons of Borucki Farm updates (and remember to vote if you like my blog… I’m closing in on 2nd place)!

Disclaimer: DAHlicious provided product for review and the giveaway.
All opinions are my (and Baby Summer’s) own.

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