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Cauliflower Crust Pizza Recipe: Yummy Monday w/ Nicole Culver

I’M ALIVE!!! I survived the Rebel Race like a true Warrior Princess (and Justin, too, like my knight-in-disgusting-smelly-armor)… LOOK! PROOF!

clicky-clicky on the images to view the full dirty glory

Ok, the truth is that it wasn’t that hard and the “mud” was more like “irritating dust” that covered my teeth and found its way into every crevice of my body. I know. Ew.

You guys are the BEST. You sent the most encouraging tweets and posted well-wishes all over my facebook page. You were constantly in my thoughts when I was sloshing through the dust/mud/dirty-water and it was your inspiring words that helped me conquer my INTENSE fear of heights and sent me FLYING over the vertical walls. BEXLIFERS ROCK! I can’t wait to show you the GoPro footage!!

The rest of my weekend was spent with family & friends celebrating big occasions and just enjoying each other. Sunday was a pampering/prep day for my big week ahead. I treated my friend to her first pedicure ever (she’s now fully addicted) and got my FIRST makeup lesson for some very important shoots I have coming up.

Oh wait, I haven’t announced here that I’m SHOOTING A TV SHOW WITH ONE OF MY YOGA IDOLS THIS WEEK! How did I forget to mention THAT? (I’ll be filling you all in on facebook and on my Friday video).

Today has been carved out to work on my new fundraising project for YouTube and indiegogo.com. I’m making a short video detailing plans for a sustainable living classroom that I’m building on our new property, and I hope you’ll show your support by sharing it or maybe donating a couple $$.

While I’m busy with other Bex Life business, my friend and fellow #FitFluential Ambassador, Nicole Culver, is filling in (and repping her culinary genius) on BexLife.com. Please read on, try out her recipe, and check out her blog & youtube channel. You know – show her some Bexy-style lovin’. xo

Hi Bex Life readers! My name is Nicole and I blog over at Making Good Choices. I met Bex through FitFluential and she’s been inspiring me ever since. I’m so psyched to be doing a guest post here while Bex tends to moving, her kids and of course, her chickens. (I’m dying to get my hands on a dozen of those fresh eggs!)

To give you a little bit of background before I share a fun recipe with you, I own my own company, Pure Bliss Eats. My company, Pure Bliss Eats has a mission to be a health food company that offers delicious baked goods that won’t hurt your waistline. I carefully chose each ingredient like organic spelt flour, raw nuts and organic raw blue agave nectar to carefully craft each baked good. These treats are delicious and provide long lasting energy. You will not feel a sugar crash after eating any one of these items.

I truly believe you have to enjoy what you are eating, life is too short not to, but at the same time you should make the best choices for your body. Whether you are looking for a healthy breakfast, snack or dessert, I promise you that you will enjoy our foods with no guilt.

Over on my blog I share recipes, healthy living tips and the latest…my journey through a healthy pregnancy! Besides owning Pure Bliss Eats, I’m also a health counselor, so I share ways to eat healthy, meal plan and keep things tasty.

So without further hesitation, enjoy this healthy recipe!

Thank you to Bex for letting me introduce myself to all of you! I hope you’ll come over, visit and say hi on my blog too!

Watch Nicole on YouTube
Read her amazing Making Good Choices blog
Follow her on Twitter @NicoleCulver

PS – If you’re in the Philadelphia area, you should sign up for Team Bex Life and run with us at the Color Run on July 8. You’ll save $5 off registration and get a shirt from me! All you have to do is register as a team runner and search “Bex Life” in the team list. For more details, just email me. xo

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