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‘Hey Sexy’ Workout: Work It Out Wednesday

Have I told you lately that I love you? Of course I have! I tell you all the time, because it’s completely and utterly true. You support, drive and inspire me. If I didn’t love you guys I wouldn’t be able to squeeze myself into spandex three times a week and look silly on the internet. It takes some lady balls (and a lot of good vibes) to do that, for real. (Was that totally gross? “Lady balls”… too far?)

I also get dirty for you – Justin, me & Daryl on the left

Before I go on, I want to thank everyone who has tweeted, facebook posted and contributed to my effort to build the BexLife.com Sustainable Living Classroom. We’re off to a pretty amazing start, and I promise the money is going to do some amazing things (the great people at Natures Footprint are already on board). If you haven’t seen the fundraiser page on indiegogo.com, please take a minute and check it out here.

Alright, it’s time for this week’s workout (and a extra little something just for YOU). I made it super simple – only 3 exercises – and we’re focusing on the core and upper body. I’m calling it my Hey Sexy Workout because it’ll get you totally cute for making an amazing entrance sporting your summer tank (or your Bex Life summer tank… coming soon *wink*).

Watch the full BexLifeTV playlist on YouTube

On my body: tank by Spanx
yoga pants by Victoria’s Secret
DAActive sports bra

‘HEY SEXY’ WORKOUT DETAILS (3 exercises per round):
1 – low planks to push ups – 10 reps
2 – side plank lifts – 10 reps each side
3 – inch worm lower-downs – 5 reps

Present time!! I have another extra something just for my blog readers. I get requests all the time to show you exactly what I do during a workout, so I set-up my camera and recorded my actual training session with Daryl that I did immediately after making your Hey Sexy Workout.

All the details for the workout are in the video (plus a lot of heavy breathing and whining courtesy of yours truly). This video is a BexLife.com exclusive (it’s not on my main YouTube channel), but I want you to feel free to share it with your friends wherever you media-socialize. xo

Congrats to Daryl on his new FitFluential Ambassador status!

PS – I’ve shared some big news on my facebook page about being on an episode or two of a brand new TV show (thoughts become things – believe it). We’re taping all day Wednesday in NYC, and I’ll have more details for you on Friday (along with some kickass mud run GoPro footage). If you want to have my newest blogs emailed to you as I post them, click here or hit the banner in the right navigation bar. I also urge you to go to Daryl’s site and sign up for his free motivational newsletters. They seriously rock.

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