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Hearts On Fire Yoga: Work It Out Wednesday

Stress can do so many crazy things to your body. When I’m feeling emotionally or mentally overwhelmed – even when the cause is happy stuff – it becomes a completely physical experience. I can feel light or heavy or loose or tight all depending on the events and energies that are circling around me.

shooting a recipe video in my new kitchen with Mike Perrine

You may have noticed that I’ve been posting more yoga videos lately. Well, that’s no accident. As my business grows like crazy and new opportunities are popping up everywhere, my stress level has also been soaring through the roof! And while I’m completely in love with my new home and property, I’ve hardly had a minute to unpack… I just want to sleep in my own bed for a solid seven days in a row. For those of you who know my buddy, Yulady, you also know that she was just diagnosed with breast cancer at the very young age of thirty-two. Good things, not-so-good things, LOTS of things have had my head spinning and my body all tensed up like a spring about to POP!

Enter yoga-aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh. That’s how I’m saying it in my head, with a big giant exhale. Say it with me… inhale (fill every part of your body with air, all the way down to your tippy-toes), exhale “yoga-aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh”. How was it? Maybe we need to do it a few more times ;)

When I’m SUPER stressed, I can actually feel myself coiling up, making myself smaller and drawing my shoulders forward and down. My chest (and heart) are almost completely closed off from the world.

This routine is meant to open my heart (and yours) and allow the soul to shine toward the warming light of the sun. It’s also dedicated to my friend, Yulady, who is a shining light to so many people. Her energy is contagious! Find her on YouTube and twitter if you haven’t already. xo

Watch the full BexLifeTV playlist on YouTube

On my body: top & capri pants by Reebok
My Cobra mat courtesy of PlankDesigns.com

PS – I’m shooting Rock Your Yoga with Sadie Nardini again tomorrow (Thursday). Check out my YouTube channel (and subscribe!!) for “LIVE from…” posts from the Veria Living television studios in NYC!

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