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New Detox Videos For YOU: Yummy Monday w/ Mike Perrine

By now, most of you know my buddy, Mike Perrine. You know – the super smart detox consulting, green juice making, raw food guru that I sometimes bring around to show off to my friends teach us all about healthy living. Yeah, that guy. Isn’t he adorable – I mean – great?

with Mike and John Joseph, author of Meat Is For P*ssies

Something else that pretty much all of you know by now is that I’ve been shooting episodes of Rock Your Yoga with Sadie Nardini (which premiers today on the Veria Living Network – check your local listings for channel information). If you don’t have Veria Living on your cable system, click here for a form to tell them that you want it! (Check out a recap of my first TV shooting experience.)

my name on the camera cue card!!

The night before the first day of shooting, Mike texted me and asked when I would be in NYC again. “Tomorrow. What’s up?” He said that he had to talk to me about it in person and that it was big news. We met at the TV studio, and during the walk to the parking garage to get my car, Mike told me all about a new business venture he’s been working on and asked me if I (and Bex Life) would want to be a part of it. “Hell-to-the-yes!”

I can promise you that it’s going to be HUGE, but that’s about all I can tell you. If you want clues and updates, you can always hit up my Instagram (bexlife) or Tumblr accounts to follow my photo-journal.

I put this on my Amazon wish list a year ago, and now I’m on her show!

To kick off our new business (ad)venture, Mike and I are shooting a new series of healthy videos that will include some simple recipes and talks on healthy living and detox issues. You may remember our mini-series of three recipes that we shot a while back in my old kitchen (omg, I had so much fun with those). The videos will post each Monday on my YouTube channel as a Yummy Monday installment, and we’ll be answering your questions about each video on this blog and on my facebook page.

I’ve kind of been loving making my little “LIVE from…” clips over the past few days. I’m going to continue posting short iPhone videos in between my regular BexLifeTV uploads. Please let me know if you love or hate these. I’ve been struggling with getting all my updates to you, so I thought it would be fun to do these little vlog-style videos to fill you in on what happens in my daily life. You’ll get a behind-the-scenes view of my projects, my family-life and all my adventures (maybe even some Rock Your Yoga footage this Thursday with Sadie… weeeee!!). And did you see the footage of us picking up our new baby chicks?! Ahhhhh… here it is!

Mike and I are shooting a bunch of recipes back-to-back today, so I’ll be uploading “LIVE from…” videos on my YouTube channel throughout the day and will return to my regular Yummy Monday  format next week. We hired a real videographer to cut down on the craziest (and exhaustingly slow editing process), so I’m hoping you’ll like how they turn out… let me know!!

UPDATE – Here are the three LIVE videos I posted while shooting:
Video 1: Meet the crew & get a peek at the new Bex Life kitchen!
Video 2: Summer samples some raw food goodness… yum!
Video 3: Noshing on tahini dip & talking about our new project *shhh*

Remember to leave me love notes (and questions) so we can chat!! I’ll take them anywhere – YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram – I love you! xoxo

PS – If you don’t know who my friend Yulady is, you need to. Not only is she a kick-ass yoga instructor with a drop-dead gorgeous practice, she’s a dedicated mother-of-six and a constant shining light of inspiration (an lightning bolt of energy) in my life. She was also diagnosed with breast cancer last week. She’s just 32 years old. But in total Yulady fashion, she’s turning this whole cancer thing into a way to inspire the world. Watch her first vlogs and comment to support her on her mission to kick cancer’s ass!

Video 1: I Have Breast Cancer
Video 2: Happy Mother’s Day, You Have Cancer

I love you, Yulady!

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