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Yoga For Strong Beautiful Legs: Work It Out Wednesday Giveaway

For those of you who are wondering how my giveaway videos & blogs come about (or at least how this one came about), here is the entire process in an itty-bitty nutshell:

Step 1 – While I’m supposed to be editing another video or writing a blog, I’m actually futzing around the internet looking at whatever is new and shiny in fitness/beauty/fashion/food.
Step 2 – I spot something that looks completely amazing and start to swoon over it inside (and sometimes out loud if Winona happens to be sitting within ear shot… she’s the only one in the house who cares about this stuff).
Step 3 – Every once in a while, I’ll recall the swoon-worthy item and reach out to whichever genius designed it and tell them “my Bex Life peeps NEED this in their lives!!!” Yes, I act that desperate… for YOU!
Step 4 – HOLLA!! I got a request for a workout. For what? Strong sexy legs! Wa-bam! Yoga is perfect for that! BTW, I love getting requests on facebook, so hit me up and tell me what you want!
Step 5 – Then I figure out a way to present it to you that makes sense and slap it all together into a giveaway video.
Step 6 – Everybody cheers “We love Bex!” Whatever, a girl can dream…

That’s pretty much how most of my giveaways happen. Other times, I’ll get something random and awesome in the mail that I have to share with you. (Most times I get something random and totally weird in the mail and it goes straight into the Goodwill box… do I look like a girl who needs shoe lifts or drinks energy shots??)

Still shot from today’s video… I love yoga in my sunroom!

What RARELY happens is that I find a piece of yoga or fitness equipment that gets me excited. Enter the Plank yoga mat… with a COBRA ON IT! Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god I love this mat. Ok, I admit that I loved the way this mat LOOKED first. But now I actually love the mat for everything completely awesome it has to offer. (And I can’t wait to give one to a lucky BexLifer, too!)

This mat is crazy cool. I want to say so much more, but it’s nearly impossible to put it into less than a four-page-letter. With my regular weekly recap on Friday, I’m also going to be giving a bexy-style-super-fast-speak-review of my experience with the Plank mat’s heat activated technology over the past week.

I don’t need a ton of words to tell you how beautiful I think this mat is. The designs are unique and exciting and like nothing I’ve seen on a yoga mat before. I’m no fashionista (can we kill that word forever?), but I do enjoy beautiful things. I saw the Cobra mat and I felt instantly that I had to have it… I am a honey badger mom, after all.

Baby Summer agrees that my cobra mat is fabulous.

I’m using the mat in today’s yoga routine that I shot in the sunroom of my new house. Justin strung lights all around the ceiling… aren’t they just perfect?! I do most of my videos in just one take, and I was TIRED when I shot this. I’ve been running around like an insane woman to business meetings and school events, and today Trainer Daryl came by for my first training session at the farm. (I posted a pic of planks with Summer on my tumblr blog.) And at the time I shot the video, I still hadn’t even begun to prepare for Wednesday’s Fitness Magazine event in NYC or Friday’s Reebok event in Boston. But here’s the weird part – I felt grounded and balanced and energized during the whole sequence. I usually wobble quite a bit when I’m tired, but I felt strong and steady the whole time. Was it the mat?

Follow this sequence with me in real time or slow it down to add intensity to each pose. I’m really working your legs in this one, so spread those toes, lift those quads, ENGAGE MULA BANDHA and get ready to feel that glorious yoga burn…

Watch the full BexLifeTV playlist on YouTube

On my body: Powerflow Yoga tee (thanks Yulady!)
Capri pant by MPG – Mondetta Performance Gear

Don’t worry. Yoga cobras are safe for babies.

WIN YOUR OWN PLANK YOGA MAT! Just follow the instructions below to enter the giveaway.
– Comment on this post with your favorite yoga asana or pose.
– For an extra entry, tweet the following message (and comment that you tweeted): “WIN a yoga mat with heat activated grip technology from @PlankYogaMats and @GirlRucki – https://www.bexlife.com/?p=4299 #yoga #plank #FitFluential”
– The giveaway ends Friday, May 18 at 11:59PM EST. The winner will be chosen at random using Random.org and will be announced the following Monday. Sorry international peeps, giveaway is open to followers with US shipping addresses only.

PS – If you didn’t catch my yoga video for LindsaysList.co, you can watch it by clicking here.

PPS – I’ll be posting updates from the Fitness Magazine and Reebok events like crazy on twitter (@GirlRucki) and my facebook page, so be sure to follow me in both places and watch out for the hashtags #FITBLOGNYC and #RBKFITBLOG.

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