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From NYC to Reebok Boston: Let’s Be Friends Friday

I’m actually hiding in the bathroom of my hotel room in Boston writing this quickly because I’m supposed to be taking a shower before settling down to watch a romantic movie with Justin.

Summer parties like Charlie Sheen

He played Mr. Mom all week with Summer while I skipped from the Fitness Magazine event in Chelsea (did you see BexLife.com featured on their website?!) to a business meeting in midtown NYC to Reebok HQ in Boston. He even took Summer on the Sam Adams brewery tour today, all by himself.

I was just “Bex” at the Fitness Magazine event

it was a serious week for some hot SWAG action

There was no time for blogging with all this going on… not to mention the painting, furniture deliveries and other craziness of moving onto the farm. Even though Bex Life is my full-time job, my real life with my family always comes first. Taking a break from making videos and blogging last week felt so awesome… it’s been so long since I’ve been able to just turn off the technology and enjoy a little quiet time without distractions.

I’ve been uploading videos from Reebok all day and posting pictures via Instagram and Tumblr. I’m also constantly checking in to my Facebook page.

Remember to enter my giveaway for an insanely beautiful mat from Plank! I can’t wait to get back on it when I get home tomorrow.

I’ll be doing more live uploads on Monday as I shoot a new recipe series with our pal, Mike Perrine. We’re working on a HUGE new project, and we’ll be giving you lots of hints and teasers about it. I’m talking about something that’s going to change Bex Life FOREVER!

Then I’m heading back to Rock Your Yoga on Thursday to shoot 2 more episodes of the show, but this time I’m taking my two boys, Calvin and Jack, with me to appear on a show about yoga for kids! Ahhhhhh!!

Crossfit was a workout, but Cardio Dance with Ilyse Baker kicked my butt!
Click here for my sweaty chat with her right after class.

Ok, I have to stop all this blah-blah-blah and wash this Crossfit/Cardio Dance sweat off myself. Please don’t forget to hop over to my YouTube channel and check out the new videos. I was totally geeking out over all the fashion and innovation happening at Reebok, and I think you’ll be completely amped when you get to see all the styles that I had the privilege of previewing today. The summer and back-to-school lines are going to blow your mind with their new technology and designs. The colors are out of control!

my new hip hop dancing shoes

Before you go, I want to give you a taste of the stuff I shot today… yes, I’m a hip hop dancer now and that is most definitely the famous Sarah Dussault from SarahFit.com and SarahsFabChannel on YouTube up in front, shaking her booty. Thanks again to Ilyse for taking me out of my comfort zone and getting me amped on a new way for me to break a serious sweat!!

Crossfit Aftermath – LIVE from Reebok HQ Part 1
Crossfit Pullups – LIVE from Reebok HQ Part 2
Cardio Dance with Ilyse Baker – LIVE from Reebok HQ Part 3
Cardio Dance with Ilyse Baker – LIVE from Reebok HQ Part 4
Burt’s Bees Giveaway & Plank Yoga Mats – LIVE from My Hotel Room
Crossfit vs Bex – LIVE from the Road Home

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