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The Jackie Warner Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Days Experiment

It’s been a busy time at the Borucki Farm. The kids are all out of school (I can’t believe Winona is off to high school next year!!), our flock of chickens has grown to 13 hens, and – like always – we’re running like lunatics with work and travel (though one of us is making out WAY better on travel gigs than the other).

High school? When did I get this old??

Winona’s graduation dance. #1 stepdad taking pics.

Justin spent the last two weeks building the Chicken Castle for me, determined to finish it before his photo assignment in Brazil. Oh my god, who is going to cook for me when he’s away for a whole week?! I’ll probably starve (not the way to lose 10 pounds in 10 days, by the way). I’m actually pretty impressed that Justin pulled this Chicken Castle construction off without a hitch. Next project: love shack in the woods. Ha cha cha…

He also set up the Official Borucki Baby Pool this week, marking the TRUE beginning of our summer season. Margaritas, self-portraits of me floating on a raft and LOTS of outside office hours are on the horizon.

the Original Borucki Baby Pool

Borucki Baby Pool upgrade

You would think that all the building and erecting and running around would help “somebody” shed some extra pounds, but it just isn’t so. In fact, my darling devoted husband has managed to pack on an extra 20 pounds since I met him. I won’t mention that I’ve LOST 20 pounds since we first got together and even birthed a baby in the meantime. Oops, that must have slipped.

Justin has agreed to become my next guinea pig and attempt to lose 10 pounds in 10 days using Jackie Warner’s new book and my constant nagging words of love and encouragement. Don’t forget my giveaway!!

Don’t let his sad face fool you. Day 1 was a total breeze.

We modified the workout to use my new Ultimate Sandbag… I’m in LOVE!

It’s kind of a miracle that Justin agreed to get in FRONT of the camera, and that’s why this is probably my favorite video right now. The last time he appeared in a whole video with me, it looked like THIS. Nearly one million views at the time of this post… my poor Silent Bob (my happy pocketbook).

And if you haven’t already, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE check out yesterday’s blog and consider supporting my friends at Bia Sport (and please tell them I sent you… I’m lobbying HARD for a custom BEXLIFE™ watch band).

Ok, time for some sweating (and lots of laughing)…

Watch the full BexLifeTV playlist on YouTube
Our gear: The Ultimate Sandbag in Pink
10 Pounds in 10 Days by Jackie Warner


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