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He Lost 4 Pounds in 4 Days!! – The Jackie Warner #ChubbyHubby Experiment

So I probably just gave it all away in the title of this post, but I swear there’s more! In addition to being my all-around adorable #ChubbyHubby, Justin has also been stirring up lots of #FitRomance feelings by rocking out in his role as my guinea pig for my BEXLIFE.com Jackie Warner Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Days Experiment. (What’s with the hashtags? Use them on twitter to follow our fit life TOGETHER).

And if you have no idea what I’m talking about, catch up here.

the diet & workout cheat sheet lives on our refrigerator

I’m writing this on Sunday night, so he’s just wrapping up Day 4 of the challenge. He’s actually out on his run right now, and I can see him zipping back and forth on our dirt paths as I type this.

While 4 pounds might not seem like much to most, it’s a huge confirmation that he can really do this… he can achieve true and total health for the first time in his life by eating right and moving every day. (You’d think he would have gotten the hint from living with his FITNESS PROFESSIONAL WIFE, but whatever works for him is good with me.) He actually said today that he’s “in better shape now at 36 than when [he] was 20.” That’s pretty powerful.

sweaty messes after our Day 3 workout in our basement

For the record: He’s not completely out of shape… in fact, he’s in MUCH better shape than when we started dating. He’s been running, working on projects around our homes and being active with me for several years now, but he hasn’t been able to get his diet habits and activity levels consistent enough to lose weight.

Justin’s sad-face breakfast

my happy-face breakfast

his favorite part of the day is lunch

So here we are on Day 4 of the big #ChubbyHubby experiment, and we’re sharing our thoughts on the program so far… with a very loud and naked Baby Summer. Remember to show your support for Justin on Twitter (@JustinBorucki) by tweeting him words of encouragement (it makes him feel popular). He’s also leaving for a photo assignment in Brazil on July 7, so tweet him while he’s away to make sure he’s sticking to his good eating plan!

Watch the full BexLifeTV playlist on YouTube
10 Pounds in 10 Days by Jackie Warner

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My inspiration board pic of the day:

How do I stay fit with 4 kids and no time? Shopping cart lunges!!

PS – Curious about how you can help the movement I mentioned in today’s video? Here’s all the info on how you can join in the fight to give consumers the right to know what is in their food. Does our have GMOs in it or not? That is the basic premise of the law we are trying to pass in California. And as soon as we have labeling, we can choose to eat GMOs or not to eat GMOs. California is the state where this law will take root and get rolled out nationwide, but we NEED your help!

– Visit the official websites: CARighttoknow.org and LabelGMOs.org
– Follow them on Facebook at Facebook.com/carighttoknow.
– If you’re a blogger, click here to sign up to become a blogger evangelist for the cause.

Here are some additional links you may find useful:
News articles: http://www.carighttoknow.org/articles
About the initiative in California: http://www.carighttoknow.org/about
FAQs: http://www.carighttoknow.org/faq
Myths & Facts: http://www.carighttoknow.org/myths

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