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How to Plank: Planking for Dummies & The Basics of Being You

There is an epidemic of bad planking going on, and it has to stop today. I will openly admit to my own bad planking in the past – no secrets here. Before yoga, I was not only bad planking in private, but I was doing it on the internet for everyone to see. I was in a haze of denial, but I fixed myself. And I guarantee that I will fix you, too.

I learned a very simple and elegant way to teach a basic plank while shooting an episode of “Yoga Sutra Now” with Jai Sugrim for Veria Living Television on Wednesday. Jai is a gentle, funny and knowledgable teacher, and it was so exciting to witness him teach the basics.

Jai adjusting me in a twist… I’m working HARD!

This felt so AMAZING! I could have stayed there all day.

Taking other fitness & yoga teachers’ classes is a huge part of my own continued education as a fitness “influencer”. I love this story from my last class with Sadie Nardini:

I watch YouTube videos, take classes, attend workshops… I’m always looking for something new to do or NOT do in my own teaching. While others may call it copying, I call it inspiration. No one is re-inventing the wheel, and there’s only so many ways you can do a jumping jack. Every exercise has been done before, but it’s the teacher who inspires you to do it and LOVE it. I just hope that I can always inject my own style of instruction and brand of humor into everything I do. That’s why there’s room for such amazing and DIFFERENT personalities like The Sweaty Betties, Cassey Ho, Sarah Dussault, Tara Stiles, Sadie Nardini… I admire all these women and love everything they do, because they’re all doing their thing in their OWN style.

As a matter of fact, I shouted out one of my favorite YouTube yoginis, Anita Goa, in one of my latest vlogs for presenting an absolutely awesome squat transition that I will most definitely be stealing using in my Lady Footlocker class. (please note my schedule correction: I will be appearing in Dallas on Aug 18 and teaching in Chicago on Aug 25)

So the lesson here is that I want you to TOTALLY learn from, be inspired by and borrow from everyone and every experience – good and “bad”. Just remember that you become the BEST at what you’re doing by being the best YOU. Plank on, people!

Watch the full BexLifeTV playlist on YouTube
On my body: Sweat Pink tank from FitApproach.com
Beyond Yoga capri pants
My gear: Manduka yoga mat

Thank you to Winona for being the best assistant (and daughter) ever!
(in the Yoga Sutra Now green room on August 8, 2012)

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