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Hey Arnold: Let’s Be Friends Friday ROAD TRIP!

I’m packing up some cute new workout outfits, a bunch of healthy snacks, the baby, the husband, the teenager and about 5 different cameras into the family minivan and heading to Ohio for the Arnold Sports Festival this weekend. A bunch of my #FitFluential Ambassador peeps will be out there repping FF and working with … (Read More)

Yoga Chest and Shoulder Opener: Let Your Heart Shine

Get tall and long with your inhales. Find space with your exhales. Focus on letting go with ease instead of forcing a stretch. Find the space for your muscles to grow longer and settle into. It’s there. Let your heart shine and your shoulders open with one of my favorite moves for releasing tension in … (Read More)

Girl Fight Club: Let’s Be Friends Friday

I’ve always wanted to start a real fight club. Or maybe I just want to hang out with Brad Pitt and Edward Norton. (OMG, I love them so much!) When Sarah Dussault invited me to try out the new DVD workout system that she’s STARRING IN (woot!!) and issued a challenge to Jill Hanner and … (Read More)