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Hey Arnold: Let’s Be Friends Friday ROAD TRIP!

I’m packing up some cute new workout outfits, a bunch of healthy snacks, the baby, the husband, the teenager and about 5 different cameras into the family minivan and heading to Ohio for the Arnold Sports Festival this weekend. A bunch of my #FitFluential Ambassador peeps will be out there repping FF and working with our brand partners.

I’ll be checking in on Facebook and Twitter throughout the weekend and giving you all kinds of updates on what’s happening at the festival. Make sure that you’re following my Facebook page and tweets @GirlRucki, so we can chat back and forth.

This is my first road trip EVER with Justin. We have traveled pretty extensively together, but never by car. Our minivan looks like it’s been to hell and back, but in reality it hasn’t been much further than the Pine Barrens for an overnight camping trip. I’m so lucky to have a life and partner that are so adventure-ready. But then again, what does luck really have to do with it?

If you know how I grew up, you know that I didn’t have many advantages in life. I’ve struggled a lot and had to ultimately make a choice to be happy – to go after what I want. I’m not so great at working for other people, so I built my own business. Rules kind of annoy me, so I’ve made it so I’m able to make my own. If I believed in what was “supposed to be” I’d be nowhere. Anything is possible in our world, and we actually work crazy hard at being so “lucky”. Being in shape, having success and living a happy life are results of working my butt off everyday. None of it happened without hard work and being prepared when the lucky moment arrived.

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So I’m picking up and having a little mini-adventure with my family, leaving convention behind. My mind is open to all sorts of amazing possibilities this weekend – meeting new friends, making new connections and having an amazing time with my husband and daughters. Wish me luck!! ;)

When I come back next week, I’ll have all new challenges and giveaways for you. My friends at HippieButter.com are sponsoring a Bex Life giveaway full of yummy products you’ll ADORE, so check on Monday!

In the spirit of adventure, I’m issuing a brand new challenge that will take you along for the ride! Well, you won’t actually be in the car with me, but watch the video to see what I’m talking about. And don’t freak out – you don’t have to do any burpees this time.

Watch the full BexLifeTV playlist on YouTube

PS – For all of you who participated in my last planking/burpee challenge, your goodie bags will be going out sometime around mid-month. I’m working on putting some fun little prizes in there for you. Your video responses are always so awesome, so post them whenever! They’re so inspiring to your fellow Bexy Peeps.

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