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Fruit Flies Are Ruining My Life!

I’m just going to go ahead and blame one more thing on this terrible, soggy weather. Besides being eaten alive on a nightly basis in my backyard by mosquitoes, I’m also being assaulted by about 17 million fruit flies that have decided to set up residence all over my house.

So I put all the fruit in the fridge and have been extra careful to rinse every dirty dish right away, but not much seems to be helping. Also, on a slightly weird tip, I have fruit flies in my bathroom that seem to be feeding on my beauty products (let me know if this is happening to you).

I’m absolutely losing my mind over these bugs, so to make a long story short, this is where my “1800s-House-Friend” comes to my rescue yet again. I call my neighbor-friend-down-the-street my “1800s-House-Friend” because she doesn’t have cable, sews her daughter’s dresses and makes her own cleaning products. She also has an iPad (which I don’t have), so I’m not sure if that name makes so much sense for her. And she has every cool appliance under the sun. But whatever, it’s a funny name.

Getting back to the story…

1800s-House-Friend tells me that all I need to do to solve my problem is grab some apple cider vinegar, a squirt of dish soap and a wide-mouthed jar. Pour the vinegar and dish soap into the jar, cover with plastic wrap and poke a couple holes in it. This will attract, trap and kill the little jerks and my buggy problem will be over. Because I’m me and rarely prepare enough food to save, I didn’t have any plastic wrap. What I DID have was an old bourbon bottle left over from my husband’s last beer-making experiment. The bottle-neck shape prevents the flies from finding a fast way out.

Voila! My fruit fly killing trap machine of death and destruction:

You can’t tell in the picture, but this trap was a huge success. My kitchen is basically bug-free and there’s a bunch of tiny little corpses littered all over the bottom of the bottle.

1 Comment

  1. Melanie

    Hi Bex,

    I’ve had problems like this in the past and my Mom told me to just take a pop bottle, cut it in half, flip the top upside down into the bottom–but before doing so put in some banana chunks or something fruity and sweet. Then tape the bottle pieces together. The fruit flies fly into the bottle to feast on the fruit and then can’t find their way out. Works like a charm! (Hardest part for me was finding a pop bottle–we don’t drink any in our house!)
    Glad for you that the cider vinegar is also working.

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