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Work It Out Wednesday: 2011 Is Just So… 2011

2011 rocked so hard, it took me forever to think of resolutions that could possibly make 2012 better. Just to recap – my business is blowing up, we’re buying our dream house/farm/property, I won a YouTube Next Trainer spot, I’m kickin’ it with my new peeps at FitFluential, I’m doing my yoga teacher training, and I HAD A BABY! (Yeah, remember 9 months ago when I delivered Baby Summer at home on her due date… how perfect was that?!)

But alas, my quest for enlightenment, eternal happiness, and supreme fitness is still unfinished. So you guessed it – I have some resolutions to help me get the job done (oh, and I have a workout for you, too… because I LOVE YOU!)

My 2012 Bexy Resolutions

1. I resolve to get outside for at least 10 minutes everyday for an outdoor activity. Walking through the gym parking lot or driving the kids to school does not count. I need fresh air. (inspired by my friend, Bridgette)
2. Each day, when I hear something that I’d like to know more about, I’m going to look it up right away. I pledge to learn something new (big or small) everyday. (inspired by my friend, Rachel)
2. Do my own New Year’s Workout Challenge everyday for the entire month of January – 20 squats, 10 pushups, 1 one-minute plank, and 1-5 minutes of any cardio activity (I think I’ll jump rope or pull out my dusty rebounder).
3. Completely stop buying bottled drinks. I got into the habit of almost always using my SIGG bottles for water this year, but I still slip up when I really want a flavored drink. No more plastic bottles in 2012.
4. Find a new word to express how “awesome” I think everything is. Thirty-three is a good age to stop this habit (that has become annoying even to me). I’ve launched a campaign for this one. I’ll take suggestions for new words for awesome in the comments below.
5. Stop using negative words to describe my body. This is my most important resolution. My body is wonderful, strong, and it works hard for me everyday. It gave me 4 healthy babies. There’s no reason to put it down. Ever.

How am I going to stick with my resolutions? I’m going to get a resolution buddy. Like a workout buddy, this is someone who is also trying to make a change and will keep me accountable. I’m going to make multiple buddies by sharing my resolutions here, on facebook, twitter, with my husband and my kids. I’m going to tell everyone about my big plans for 2012, so I have no choice but to succeed on a huge public scale. I’m going to kick 2012’s butt.

Enough Chit Chat – Let’s Get Down To Business

Trainer Daryl and I wanted to put something together for you that was perfect for beginners and elite athletes alike (you can add reps to this workout to make it harder… heck, you can even change the pushups to burpees). This routine works your upper body, lower body, core, and gives you a cardio fix all in 2 exercises.

You don’t need to go to a gym, you don’t need equipment, you don’t even need a space larger than the length of your body in plank position. In other words, you have no excuse not to pick your butt up and do this workout right now.

It’s nearly 2012, and making excuses/being lazy/eating processed food/being out of shape/not taking care of the environment/not being totally [insert word other than awesome here] are all so… 2011. Let’s be great together, sexy peeps!

Watch the full BexLifeTV playlist on YouTube

PS – I have a some super fun healthy giveaways and challenges coming in January from new sponsors & friends of BexLife.com. Stay tuned for details coming next week!

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