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Full-Body Kettlebell Workout & RKS Review: Work It Out Wednesday

Trainer Daryl is back and I have kettlebells – two things that at the start of this little video session I wasn’t so sure were good ideas. Daryl is pretty awesome at making me hate him. However, at the end of it, I’m happy to have both him and my new kettlebells in my dining-turned-workout-video-shooting-room.

Besides being a personal trainer, a former high school music teacher (which I was totally surprised to find out) and a drummer in a local band (also a surprise – I’m learning a lot about him during our sessions), Trainer Daryl is also a certified kettlebell instructor. So when I got the itch to really start training with kettlebells (which I only recently stopped calling cowbells), I thought it would be smart to bring him in to prevent any injury that I would surely inflict upon myself and/or my innocent furniture/walls/children.

This was only the second time playing around with working out with kettlebells, and I kinda sorta think I’m in love. They make me look so… tough. I even went all tomboy with my look today to emphasize my toughness. Are you buying it?

Watch the full BexLifeTV playlist on YouTube

On my body: Bex Life Boy Beater logo tank
Nike cropped sweatpants
Underneath: Spanx Active compression pants
On my feet: New Balance running shoes
On my body (review portion): TekGear no-lining sports bra in Purple
On my head (review portion): Sparkly Soul & Nike headbands
Get your own RKS DVD system.
Find Trainer Daryl at PPRJGetStrong.com

– This workout is divided into two rounds of 3 exercises each.
– Perform each round of 3 exercises 4 times.
– Each exercise should be performed for a set of 10 reps.
– So that’s 2 rounds of 3 exercises, each performed for a total of 4 rounds (for a grand total of 8 rounds/circuits for the whole workout).

For those of you who want to avoid the expense of a personal trainer (or just like to workout alone or at home), I’m reviewing the Reinhardt Kettlebell System. I’m going to spare you from even more lovey-dovey talk about these DVDs, but you should take my advice and pick this system up. It’s thorough, easy-to-follow, perfect for both beginners and for those with a regular exercise routine, and it’s beautifully packaged (I’m a sucker for nice packages *ha cha cha*). Plus you get a free kettlebell and nutritional guide with the system. Watch the video for my full review! Learn more at RKSworkout.com.

UPDATE: HOOKUP ALERT – The awesome people at RKS loved my video and agreed to give all my Bexy Peeps 15% off their RKS DVD & Kettlebell system until March 12, 2012. Use coupon code BEX15 at checkout to save on this already great deal. After March 12, use coupon code BEX10 to save 10%!

RKS, Inc. provided me with a workout system for review.
All thoughts and opinions are my own.