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The Law of Attraction & Hemp Seeds: Yummy Monday Giveaway

I believe in the Law of Attraction. I’ve made so many amazing connections and have brought about so many huge changes in my life through the power of intention.

Justin and I were out to dinner with some #FitFluential friends during our trip to the Arnold Sports Festival in Ohio last weekend (I’ll tell you all about it on Friday’s video/blog), and we were talking about business strategies and our blogs and blah, blah, blah. I was totally bragging about how AWESOME my Bex Life followers are and one chick in particular came up. You may remember my plank challenge from a while back when I asked my peeps to send in videos of their most creative planking effort.

My pal Kari-from-Norway sent in the most ADORABLE video of her and her cats that had us grinning from ear to ear (and she came up again in conversation as one of our favorites). Everyone made such great videos that I had to send them all Bex Life tees! (By the way, if you have Bex Life gear, I’d love to see a pic so I can post in on my Bexy Peeps page.)

So this morning – out of the blue – Kari finally sent me a pic of her in her Bex Life tee and I couldn’t believe my eyes… she’s BALD!! I was struggling to find something to say in today’s video, so her email was the PERFECT bit of inspiration I needed to get it done. So what happened to her hair?? I’ll get to that in my video…

I also have a giveaway for you, courtesy of my friends at HippieButter.com. They’re giving you some ultra-yummy hemp soap and body lotion. I used it this morning and my skin feels positively scrumptious. Why am I so amped on hemp? Click here to get some hemp science dropped on you and here for 10 reasons everyone should eat hemp seeds. Rules for the giveaway are below the video.

I also have one more favor to ask. BexLife.com has been nominated for the 2012 Fitterati Blogger Awards by Fitness Magazine. It would make my day if you could go over there and vote for my blog. Press like this allows me to grow my blog and bring you even better content and giveaways, so your support means the WORLD to me! Click here to vote. xo

There’s always so much going on over here and I can’t wait to share it all with you. We’re in the final stages of purchasing our new home, so there will be TONS of video and pics coming over the next several weeks. Summer is turning one-year-old this month… can you believe it?! I’m working on lots of top secret projects that will *fingers crossed* come to a head soon (and I’ll be sharing like crazy), and Bex Life has been getting tons of great press thanks to friends and fans of our community. Check out the latest article featuring some amazing fit moms and ME on MizzFit.com (please comment on the article if you like it): Wanna Be A Fit Mom (someday or now)?

Ok, here’s this week’s Yummy Monday video! Be sure to visit Hippie Butter’s facebook page and show them some love.

Watch the full BexLifeTV playlist on YouTube

On my body: Bex Life Boy Beater logo tank
Visit Kari’s blog: ActsOfSolidarity.tumblr.com
Get your own Hippie Butter goodness: HippieButter.com

– One winner will receive a Hippie Butter soap and body lotion set
– Comment on this blog with a way you can show support for a cause/company/friend that you believe in (or promote your own cause!) (required)
– extra entry method: Tweet this exact message “WIN the gift of Natural Beauty from @GirlRucki & @hippiebutter – https://www.bexlife.com/?p=3309”
– Giveaway ends Sunday, March 11, 2012 at 11:59PM EST
– Winners will be chosen at random using Random.org
– Giveaway is open to viewers worldwide!

Hippie Butter Hemp Seeds
Use coupon code “BexLife” to save 5% at checkout!

HippieButter.com provided items for review and for this giveaway.
All opinions and love-inspired comments are my own.

Comments are closed.