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Bex Life TAKEOVER Workout: Work It Out Wednesday w/ Brad Gouthro Fitness

My house literally looks like a tornado hit it and left about fifty bagillion cardboard boxes and rolls of packing tape EVERYWHERE. We’re moving onto the farm over Spring Break and we’re kicking our packing into high gear. I’ve been getting a crazy good workout running up and down my stairs and doing squats with boxes and furniture. Lift with the legs!!

Unfortunately, all this Mission: Borucki-Farm business kept me from shooting a workout for you all this week. However, I have something even BETTER for you… my first workout takeover EVER!

If you’re looking to get lean and sexy (and who isn’t), my good friend Brad Gouthro just video’d and shared his “Get Lean & Sexy” Workout with me. You only need a pair of light dumbbells and a some Bexy attitude (cheese alert!) to get this one done. Brad’s “Get Lean & Sexy” Workout will have you burning fat and building lean muscle in only 20 minutes… how awesome is that?!

yes, that’s Brad… settle down, ladies.

Not only is Brad a certified trainer and certified nutrition & wellness specialist, he’s also author of the internationally selling book, Awaken The Abs Within, and host of Live Lean TV on his YouTube channel. Be sure to subscribe to his channel to watch his weekly cooking shows, workouts and motivational videos.

If you like his positive message, you can also help him spread his Transformation 10,000 mission by sharing his videos. This mission is to transform the health of 10,000 men, women and families by inspiring them to make higher quality food choices and by moving their body’s more efficiently.

So enough of my bragging about how awesome Brad is… here’s his 20 min, at home, “Get Lean & Sexy” Workout, just for YOU:

Watch the full BexLifeTV playlist on YouTube

On my body: Borucki.com tee (modified by yours truly)
Sports bra by DAActive

Descending Pyramid Dumbbell Complex (don’t be afraid by the name)

A complex is a an excellent fat burning form of weight training where you move from one exercise to the other, without dropping the weight and no rest. Therefore, you’ll keep the same weight in your hands for all 4 exercises in the complex.

The descending pyramid portion just means you’ll start doing 6 reps of each exercise, without break or dropping the weight, rest for 30 secs, then start back at the first exercise but this time only doing 5 reps. Complete all 4 exercises, 30 sec rest, then start over doing 4 reps, etc, etc, etc, until you finish only 1 rep for each exercise.

1A: Dumbbell Squat Press x 6 reps
1B: Dumbbell Bent Over Row x 6 reps
1C: Dumbbell Forward Lunge x 6 reps/leg
1D: Dumbbell Front Squats x 6 reps

Rest: 30 sec after each completed complex.
Pyramid: 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Rest: 30 sec, then move on to floor core routine.

Floor Core Circuit Routine

2A: Renegade Rows x 6/arm
2B: Straight Arm Plank x 20 sec
2C: Mountain Climbers 30 reps/leg

Rest: 30 sec
For a total of 3 sets

It’s time to Get Lean & Sexy… are you ready?!?

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