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How To Make Your Dreams Come True In 5 Steps

On a daily basis, I find myself in a whirlwind of miracles and dreams-coming-true that picks me up and whips me around and leaves my head spinning. I love the life the I have created for myself.

I was desperate for non-ugly sports sunglasses.
Oakley hooked me up with THESE at the Fitness Magazine event.
Not really what this blog is about, but kind of ;)

Dreams are not granted for free or without a bit of work on the grantee’s part. There’s an element of every dream-coming-true that is characterized by YOUR ACTIONS. Don’t freak out. I’m going to tell you exactly how to get your own bona fide “dreamiracle” brewing. (dreamiracle = dream + miracle, just in case you don’t speak Bexy)

Here are my 5 easy steps to making your dreamiracle come true:

1 – Believe in miracles. Have a dream. That’s it. Believe that dreams and miracles happen every day. You also have to acknowledge that you’ve already experienced countless big and tiny miracles in your own life. The fact that I’m able to communicate with you through this marvelous machine of modern science and technology is kind of miraculous. Bam! There’s a miracle. Every “I want…” is a little dream. Kaplow! You already have your first dream.

2 – Speak your dreamiracles OUT LOUD. Bring your dreamiracles out of your imagination and into reality with your breath and your words. Tell everyone you meet about all the amazing things that are coming your way. Speak it, and you’ll start to believe it. You’ll also be planting tiny little promises all around that you’re just going to have to fulfill.

my spandex collection is always ready whenever I get “the call”

3 – Show up. When people start hearing about your dreamiracle, they’ll want to be a part of it. They’ll tell you about opportunities and want to connect you with people who share your passion. You have to be ready to show up to these opportunities – even if you’re very very scared. Fear will try to get in your way at every turn. Just thank this fear for its time and contribution to your growing process, and then move right past it. Show up even when you’re not quite sure what you’re doing. Show up even when you’re not sure if you’ll get anything out of the experience. Just keep showing up every single day. Don’t make it hard for your dreamiracle to find you. By the way, “show up” also means “work really friggin’ hard” on your passion. Dreamiracles almost always require hard work.

4 – Be kind and be grateful. I can say a lot about why this is probably the most important step, but I think I’ll keep it simple. Just practice kindness and gratitude, and the Universe (and your friends and family and strangers) will reward you with even more things to be grateful for and relationships to practice kindness in. UPDATE: As an add-on to this thought, I am reminded by one of my inspirations, Carla Birnberg to “always remember there is room enough for us all to succeed! Elevate and celebrate others.” I am a huge believer in the idea that success/knowledge/wealth/health has no value unless it is shared and celebrated in others. Thank you, CB!

there was $54 in there the last time I cashed it in!

5 – Save for a rainy day. This applies to money, energy, ideas and time. You can’t give everything to everything. It’s important to save a little back for the big dreamiracles that pop up out of nowhere and need a little extra “something” to make them work. I am very grateful for the miles I saved up on my American Express card that allowed me to buy my ticket to meet Jackie Warner in Miami this weekend. She has been inspiring me since I began my fitness journey, and meeting her is nothing less than a dream coming into reality.

it took me less than an hour to book my flight… look at her!

I want to hear from you, too! Watch this week’s super-short “LIVE from…” video and comment with your answer to my question for YOU. xo


Rebekah “Bex” Borucki, founder of BexLife.com and the Blissed In® wellness movement, is a mother-of-five, TV host, meditation guide, author, speaker, birth doula, fitness and yoga instructor, and popular social media personality. Her first book, You Have 4 Minutes to Change Your Life (Hay House 2017), is available now, wherever books are sold.

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