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health & beauty

Breastfeeding in Public & World Breastfeeding Week 2012

So it turns out that boobies ARE a big deal. Whenever I hear someone spilling some silly rhetoric about breastfeeding being a private moment that should only be shared between mother and child, I reply with “they’re just boobs people, get over it.” But unfortunately, that just isn’t so. People get really freaked out! It’s … (Read More)

Makeup at the Gym: Fitness Beauty Shoot w/ MizzFit.com

Every once in a while I’ll post something totally innocent and (what I consider to be) inconsequential on my Facebook page, and I’ll get a HUGE reaction from it. I’ve posted about my beauty routine a few times on my page and in my videos, and every time it launches some sort of dialogue about … (Read More)

I Hate My Body: Let’s Be Friends FOR REAL

Before you get mad at me, before you accuse me of having an eating disorder, before you diagnose me with body dysmorphic disorder, ask yourself: “Do I feel awesome about my body everyday?” “Why not?” “How do I contribute to other women not feeling good about their bodies?” “What can I do to change that?” … (Read More)

The Law of Attraction & Hemp Seeds: Yummy Monday Giveaway

I believe in the Law of Attraction. I’ve made so many amazing connections and have brought about so many huge changes in my life through the power of intention. Justin and I were out to dinner with some #FitFluential friends during our trip to the Arnold Sports Festival in Ohio last weekend (I’ll tell you … (Read More)

Let’s Be Friends Friday: Our Favorite Clean Beauty Buys!

My videos on organic health & beauty products have inspired so much feedback from you all… THANK YOU for your amazing comments, shares, tweets and emails! A viewer sent me an email last weekend about products that I would recommend (and how frustrated she is with her own search for clean products), so this LBF … (Read More)